№ 1 (15) – 2021 


завантаження  V. Zdanevuch
завантаження  V. Malikov
завантаження  O. Nesterov

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Зданевич В. Ф., Маліков В. В., Нестеров О. В. Техніко-економічні пропозиції теоретичної можливості переобладнання установки газогенератора вугілля для піролізу відпрацьованих гумотехнічних виробів. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 236-240. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.236-240 



The purpose of the work is a conduction of complex research of developing recommendations for environmental safety of low-temperature pyrolysis of used rubber products, as well as the production of quality secondary raw materials and it`s using for needs. It is necessary to determine the optimal parameters of the technological process of destructive processing of various used rubber products, to ensure environmental safety, energy efficiency and resource conservation of the technological process of processing used rubber products by pyrolysis. Determination of qualitative and quantitative indicators of products produced by pyrolysis of used rubber products. Important meaning in the process of pyrolysis of used tires has the development of a technological complex in order to create safe processing conditions in the municipal economy. It is necessary to substantiate the ecological and economic efficiency of practical application in the process of pyrolysis of tires of the existing coal gas generation unit.
In recent years, road transport has become one of the factors which significantly affecting on the ecology of the state. A large number of environmental pressures on the environment occurs not only due to carbon monoxide, but also due to the large volumes of used rubber products. In world practice, there are a number of ways to handle this type of waste, the main of which are incineration, regeneration, crushing, recovery, liquefaction, use of tires without prior preparation, pyrolysis. The decommissioned tire is a valuable secondary raw material containing 60-75% rubber, 10-20% carbon black, 5-10% metal, so its effective recycling) can solve not only environmental problems, but also provide high profitability of processing industries. Pyrolysis is a very common chemical method of disposing of decommissioned tires, which produces a solid carbon residue, liquid, and gas phase. From an environmental point of view, it has undeniable advantages and allows you to save valuable hydrocarbons for further secondary using. However, for nowdays, the parameters of the pyrolysis modes of rubber products are insufficiently studied,, as well as the qualitative and quantitative composition of secondary products obtained with his help.. In this regard, there is a necessity of developing recommendations for environmentally friendly application of the technology of processing worn and discarded tires using a potentially promising method of low-temperature pyrolysis.


environmental safety. Pyrolysis. Industrial rubber goods, energy efficientcy, economic efficiency.

List of bibliographic references

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