№ 1 (15) – 2021 


завантаження  A. Goncharuk, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist
завантаження  Yu. Beliakov
завантаження  V. Olenev, Cand. of Military Sciences, Professor
завантаження  V. Shlapak, Cand. of  of Physical and Mathematics, Associate Professor
завантаження  L. Hamanyuk

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Гончарук А. А., Беляков Ю. В., Оленєв В. М., Шлапак В. О., Гаманюк Л. О. Розвиток радіоелектронного оснащення системи управління комплексу бойового екіпірування військовослужбовців збройних сил провідних країн НАТО. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 225-235. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.225-235 



During the battle job processing a serviceman wants to know a few master data: the exact location and location of his subdivision, information about surrounding locality and reference-points and where an opponent is. In an ideal these data must be passed and in the day and night, in any weather, in independence from a vegetation and from the geographical features of locality.
In this connection the modern state of control system of complex of battle equipment of separate serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is certain in this article. On this stage of management troops by means of communication means is not satisfactory. Experience of the battle operating on East of Ukraine showed the row of problem questions from organization of connection in the tactical (operative) link of management.
In the leading countries of NATO the programs of creation of perspective equipment of serviceman will be realized actively. Researches that is conducted in interests of increase of the productivity and efficiency of actions of subdivisions and separate fighters on the basis of modern facilities of armament and compact radio electronic facilities it is integrated in the equipment of serviceman. The complex analysis of the programs shows that introduction of radio electronic facilities in co-operating with facilities of automation in the structure of rigging of soldier will allow substantially to promote not only battle potential of certain warrior on a battle-field but also combined battle possibilities of all tactical subdivision on the whole. Scientific researchers are conducted in direction of integration of radio electronic equipment of serviceman in single of informatively-communication space.


control system, radio electronic arming, communication means, orientations and navigations to the complex of battle equipment of separate serviceman.

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