№ 1 (15) – 2021 


D. Maksymchuk
V. Bordiyan
P. Bordiyan
O. Budur
E. Chuba

Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Максимчук Д. С., Бордіян В. П., Бордіян П. П., Будур О. М., Чуба Є. А. розробка вимог щодо виготовлення тари контейнерного типу під ракети і боєприпаси з використанням пластмасової сировини. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 115-120. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.115-120 



In this article, an analysis was made of those containers which are used in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among the latter, it should be noted military packaging, as a specialized type of protection for R&A by various types and complexity, where every detail in the design of a container packaging is an important factor on which a number of characteristics responsible for storing ammunition depend. The need to introduce new types of containers for ammunition storage has been one of the most important over the past 15 years. The operation of wooden containers with a low resource is a temporary measure that has negative consequences in the arsenals system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The solution to this problem requires immediate intervention and the commissioning of fundamentally new types of containers for ammunition.
The article shows the importance of organizing the production of basalt-fiber materials with additives in the form of plastic-containing materials, the prospects of their use for solving the economic problems of Ukraine in the process of manufacturing container-type containers. The properties of continuous basalt fibers are analyzed in comparison with glass fibers of the E-type and high-modulus fibers of the UM-31A type. The basic block diagrams of methods for the formation of basalt fibers are given and the areas of their use for the manufacture of composites based on polymer and inorganic binders are determined.
A unified container made of glass-basalt composites for storing and transporting ammunition is presented. The technical and economic advantages of this container in comparison with standard wooden containers are shown. It has been determined that basalt fiber materials, composites and products based on them are commercial objects that require scientific and technical support through fundamental and applied research.


packaging, transportation, requirements, ammunition, plastic, storage.


List of bibliographic references

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  1. Kolosov, O. Ye., Kudriachenko, V. V., & Sivetskyi, V. I. (2014). Innovatsiina sklobazaltoplastykova tara dlia pakuvannia, zberihannia ta transportuvannia boieprypasiv [Innovative glass-basalt-plastic packaging for packaging, storage and transportation of ammunition]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu Ukrainy «Kyivskyi politekhnichnyi instytut». Khimichna inzheneriia, ekolohiia ta resursozberezhennia, 2, 17-23 [in Ukrainian].
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