№ 1 (15) – 2021 


V. Mamich, Cand. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Yu. Dushkin
A. Chkalov
M. Halaktionov
D. Tsapryka

FULL TEXT: PDF (in Ukrainian)


Cite in the List of bibliographic references (DSTU 8302:2015)

Маміч В. В., Душкін Ю. Г., Чкалов А. П., Галактіонов М. Є., Цаприка Д. С. Аналіз можливостей удосконалення оптико-електронних засобів розвідки. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2021. Вип. 1(15). С. 15-20. https://doi.org/10.37129/2313-7509.2021.15.15-20 



The analysis of possibilities of improvement and application of optoelectronic means of reconnaissance is carried out in the work, it is noted that it will provide considerable increase of combat possibilities of armament and military equipment at their use on purpose. It is proposed to consider new concepts for the integration of the system of optoelectronic intelligence in all spheres of life of units and subdivisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ways of improvement and modernization of optoelectronic means of reconnaissance, which work on new organizational and physical principles, are considered. Research of problematic issues of improvement and application of optoelectronic means of reconnaissance, detailed analysis of existing and perspective optoelectronic means of reconnaissance will solve the main problem of application of means of reconnaissance at night and in difficult meteorological conditions, which will provide necessary reliable information control points and fire means defeat information that will allow you to perform combat missions with sufficient accuracy. It is noted that the previously insufficiently solved part of the general problem of using intelligence at night is of special importance. Today it is proposed to use opto-electronic means of intelligence based on: television matrices of the infrared range; microbolometric matrices of the infrared range; electronic optical converters of infrared range. It is noted that the enemy places increased demands on optoelectronic means of reconnaissance, using new long-range, high-precision, all-weather means of destruction, high mobility of troops, their mobile and decisive actions during combat.


optoelectronic means, armament and military equipment, new concepts, integration, tactical and technical characteristics, conditions of visibility restriction. 

List of bibliographic references

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  3. Маміч В., Чкалов А., Галактіонов М., Цаприка Д. Анапліз можливостей виявлення оптико-електронних засобів розвідки. Збірник наукових праць Військової академії (м. Одеса). 2020. Вип. 2(14), ч. І. С. 5-10.


  1. Kondrat, V. V., Kostenko, O. I., & Kutsenko, V. V. (2018). Shliakhy modernizatsii optyko–elektronnykh zasobiv rozvidky ta prytsiliuvannia OVT [Ways of modernization of opto-electronic means of reconnaissance and aiming of weapons]. Radio engineering, 194, 5-10 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Vasylchuk, M. T. (2018). Aparatne uzghodzhennia optyko-elektronnykh kanaliv v systemakh sposterezhennia ta rozpiznavannia [Hardware coordination of optoelectronic channels in surveillance and recognition systems]. (Extended abstract og magistr). National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
  3. Mamich, V. V., Chkalov, A. P., Halaktionov, M. Ye., & Tsapryka, D. S. (2020). Analiz mozhlyvostei vyiavlennia optyko-elektronnykh zasobiv rozvidky [Analysis of the possibilities of detecting optical-electronic means of intelligence]. Collection of scientific works of Odesa Military Academy, 2(14), part I, 5-10. [in Ukrainian].
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